13 Nov 2000
Thank you for using Cleaner 5 EZ for Adobe Premiere! This Read Me includes important last minute notes, changes to the documentation and additional information, so please read it carefully before using Cleaner 5.
To learn more about support options, please visit Terran's Cleaner 5 EZ for Adobe Premiere page.
Terran also hosts a Cleaner mailing list. Although the mailing list doesn't replace normal technical support, we think you'll find the Cleaner list to be a great way of getting informal support from fellow Cleaner users (not to mention the occasional Terran).
To create streaming media by exporting the entire timeline:
- In Adobe Premiere, choose File > Export Timeline > Save For Web
- In the dialog that appears, choose either Entire Project or Selected Work Area from the pop-up menu
- Select a setting from the Settings pop-up menu
- Click the Start button to export the timeline
To create streaming media by exporting a clip:
- In Adobe Premiere, select the clip you want to encode from the timeline
- Choose File > Export Clip > Save For Web
- Select a setting from the Settings pop-up menu (the Export pop-up will be ignored)
- Click the Start button to export the selected clip
- If you get a "file not found" error when viewing an HTML file created by Cleaner 5 EZ, it means that files that the HTML file refers to either haven't been put on the server or are in the wrong place.
- Exporting to Cleaner 5 EZ from Premiere is a modal operation. This means that if you try to switch applications while Cleaner 5 EZ is running, Adobe Premiere may appear to not respond. If this happens, just switch back to Cleaner 5 EZ.
- When taking this specific path through the Settings Wizard...
WWW > QuickTime > QuickTime Streaming > 28.8K/33.6 modem > Sound Track Options (use default) > High Quality Image > Normalize Audio > Show Controller
...the preset that results may report that "there is no video to process". Clicking Back and then Continue will allow you to bypass this error, and the preset will then work correctly.
- Cleaner does not support frame targets for URLs when exporting to the Windows Media and RealSystem architectures. If you want to specify frame targets in your EventStream events, use QuickTime.
- When using the "RealG2 Web Download - Medium-size" setting, you may find that a few frames of video from the end of your material don't appear in the final file. If this happens, one workaround is to add a few frames of video to the end of whatever you're exporting.